Vascular & Interventional Specialists

Varicose Veins

Vascular & Interventional Radiologists & Vascular Surgeons located in Miami, FL

Varicose Veins services offered in Miami, FL

Varicose veins are unhealthy, prominent blood vessels that typically develop in your legs. If you’ve got varicose veins, the Vascular & Interventional Specialists team in Miami, Florida, can help. The experienced doctors use cutting-edge techniques to eliminate varicose veins with minimal fuss. To learn more about in-office varicose vein procedures, call Vascular & Interventional Specialists or book an appointment online today.

Varicose Veins Q & A

What are varicose veins?

Varicose veins are a common condition where the veins — usually in your legs — are visible through your skin. They may swell, twist, and bulge and often stand out clearly in shades of red, blue, or purple.

In addition to appearing unsightly, varicose veins can cause other problems, such as:

  • Leg pain
  • Heaviness and fatigue
  • Cramping (especially at night)
  • Itchy skin
  • Skin discoloration
  • Venous ulcers (especially in the ankle and calf)

Ulcers are open wounds that form when poor circulation causes the tissues to break down. They’re hard to treat and liable to infection, requiring specialized care.


What causes varicose veins?

Most varicose veins develop because of chronic venous insufficiency. This condition affects your legs when valves inside the veins stop working as they should. Normally, valves open to allow blood to flow up your leg, then close again to prevent it from running back down.

If the valves are too weak to fully close, gravity pulls some of the blood down your leg. The blood forms pools that create varicose veins. You’re more likely to get varicose veins as you age, and women get them more than men.

A family history of varicose veins is a significant risk factor, and activities like prolonged standing or sitting can cause varicose veins to develop.

Varicose veins are most likely to form in the legs but can occur elsewhere. Pelvic congestion syndrome, for instance, is due to varicose veins developing in your pelvis.


How are varicose veins treated?

The Vascular & Interventional Specialists team uses several methods to treat varicose veins:



Sclerotherapy involves having tiny injections of a fluid called a sclerosant. The sclerosant causes small varicose veins to shrink and eventually dissolve. Your Vascular & Interventional Specialists provider often uses ultrasound imaging to help them place the injections accurately.



The ClosureFast™ procedure involves passing radiofrequency energy into the diseased veins. The heat closes the vein, which gradually disappears.



VenaSeal collapses the varicose veins by sticking the vein walls together with special glue.


Ambulatory phlebectomy

If you have large, bulging varicose veins, you might need an ambulatory phlebectomy. The procedure takes place under local anesthetic. Your provider makes tiny, slit-like incisions in the skin at the top and bottom of the diseased vein. Then they remove the veins by pulling them through the slit.

If you’re tired of unsightly veins in your legs, go to the specialists for treatment with no fuss. Call Vascular & Interventional Specialists today or book an appointment online.