Vascular & Interventional Specialists

IVC Filter Placement

Vascular & Interventional Radiologists & Vascular Surgeons located in Miami, FL

IVC Filter Placement services offered in Miami, FL

If you’re at risk for blood clots that prevent blood from circulating through your body, you may be a candidate for inferior vena cava (IVC) filter placement. At Vascular & Interventional Specialists, the experienced physicians offer filter placement procedures on an outpatient basis. The goal of the procedure is to prevent medical emergencies that result when blood clots travel to your lungs or heart. Call the Miami, Florida, office to find out if IVC filter placement is right for you, or book an appointment online today. 

IVC Filter Placement Q & A

What is IVC filter placement?

IVC (inferior vena cava) filter placement is a procedure to place a device within the vena cava, a large vein in your abdomen. This vein returns blood from your lower body back to your heart.

Vascular & Interventional Specialists offers outpatient IVC filter placement procedures using minimally invasive techniques. The team uses advanced diagnostic technologies to ensure the accurate placement of the filter.


Why would I need an IVC filter placement?

You may need the IVC filter placement services at Vascular & Interventional Specialists if you have blockages, like blood clots, that can travel to your lungs or heart and cause a medical emergency.

The providers can perform an IVC filter placement procedure if you have risk factors for or a history of blood clots in the legs, deep vein thrombosis (DVT), or pulmonary blood clots.

You may also be a candidate for an IVC filter if you experience a traumatic injury that could trigger a blood clot or if you’re immobile because of an injury or debilitating health issue.

The providers assess the blood circulation in your vessels during diagnostic studies to determine if you’re a candidate for IVC filter placement. They may recommend this type of procedure if blood thinners and other therapies aren’t working well.


What happens during IVC filter placement?

During IVC filter placement, the Vascular & Interventional Specialists providers insert a catheter into your inferior vena cava. They inject a contrast dye through the catheter that shows up on an X-ray or ultrasound test.

Your physician follows the dye as it travels through the vessel to identify the location of a blood clot or other blockage. Then, they insert the IVC filter through the catheter and position it inside the vessel. The filter expands and attaches to the walls of the vessel to widen it, so blood can flow freely. It catches clot particles to prevent them from traveling to your heart or lungs. 

After your procedure, you can expect some time in recovery before leaving the office to go home. You should rest for the remainder of the day but can return to your usual activities within 24 hours.

Call the Vascular & Interventional Specialists office to schedule an IVC filter placement consultation or book an appointment online today.