Vascular & Interventional Specialists

Prostate Artery Embolization

Vascular & Interventional Radiologists & Vascular Surgeons located in Miami, FL

Prostate Artery Embolization services offered in Miami, FL

If you’re having trouble urinating or are experiencing pain with urination because of an enlarged prostate, you may be a candidate for prostate artery embolization. Vascular & Interventional Specialists offer minimally invasive embolization procedures on an outpatient basis. The experienced providers use advanced techniques to cut off blood flow to the gland to relieve enlarged prostate symptoms. Call the Miami, Florida, office to find out if prostate artery embolization is right for you, or book a consultation online today. 

Prostate Artery Embolization Q & A

What is prostate artery embolization?

Prostate artery embolization is a minimally invasive treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), which describes an enlarged prostate.

The prostate gland produces fluids that help move sperm out of your body during ejaculation. This gland lies around the tube (urethra) that carries urine out of the body. When there’s enlargement in the prostate, it can affect the strength and flow of urination.

Many men will develop BPH as they get older. It’s estimated that more than 90% of men aged 80 and older will experience enlarged prostate symptoms.

Vascular & Interventional Specialists offer prostate artery embolization as a treatment option for BPH if medications and other therapies aren’t working.


When should I consider prostate artery embolization?

You should schedule an evaluation at Vascular & Interventional Specialists if you have symptoms of an enlarged prostate, such as:

  • Difficulties urinating
  • Weak urine stress
  • Strong or sudden urination urges
  • Urine leaks (urinary incontinence)
  • Painful urination

You might also experience sleep disturbances due to waking up to use the bathroom throughout the night.

The providers assess your overall health and the severity of your symptoms to determine if prostate artery embolization is right for you.


What can I expect during prostate artery embolization?

Prostate artery embolization is an outpatient procedure, so you can expect to go home soon after you recover from anesthesia.

Your interventional radiologist uses X-rays and other imaging technologies to guide a catheter into your urethra until it reaches the bladder. They also insert a smaller catheter into an artery in your groin or another part of your body. They use imaging technology to guide the catheter into the vessels that bring blood to your prostate.

The providers inject a contrast dye into your vessels to highlight the blood flow. They also inject tiny microsphere particles through the catheter. These particles cut off the blood supply to the gland and ultimately cause it to shrink.

Many men begin noticing a reduction in symptoms soon after the embolization procedure. Your physician may prescribe medications to prevent infection and pain during your recovery. You need to limit strenuous activities for a few days but can expect to return to your usual routine the day after your procedure.

Call Vascular & Interventional Specialists to schedule a prostate artery embolization consultation or book an appointment online today.